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On behalf of the Little Falls United Methodist congregation, we thank you for taking the time to find out more about our church, our ministries, and our community.  Located in the heart of Little Falls at 139 Main Street, we’re easily accessible from all the major through ways including Routes 23, 80, 46, 3, and the Garden State Parkway.


As early as 1825, the people of this area began worshipping together in a schoolhouse until the first Methodist church building could be constructed.  Since then, many generations of believers have found a nurturing home at Little Falls UMC—a place to belong, a place to journey through life’s challenges, a place to serve, worship, and grow, and a place to celebrate the blessings of life from births to baptisms,  first communions to confirmations, new jobs and milestone anniversaries, and weddings to retirements.


We are a people who will walk alongside one another, work together to feed the hungry, help those in need, and contribute to the healing process for those who are wounded, hurting, or mourning—all in and through Christ our Lord.


We offer an open invitation for you to join us any Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as we gather together to offer our worship, songs, prayers, and praise, celebrating the gift of another week of life, and doing all we can to live out the message that “God is merciful and good, God loves us, and God has offered us a new way of living—both now and in the eternal life that is to come.


Led by our Pastor, Little Falls United Methodist Church offers many opportunities for ministry, fellowship, mission, education, and spiritual growth for people of all ages and walks of life.  We have a place for you where your Spiritual gifts and God-given talents can be used for the glory of God, and for the care of our fellow humanity.


We offer

  • Bible Study classes

  • Prayer and Support Groups

  • Sunday School/Christian Education Classes

  • Music Ministries including Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir

  • Summer Vacation Bible School for children ages Pre-K to sixth grade

  • Youth group Programs for teens and youth including Confirmation Classes

  • Youth “Quest Program” in collaboration with several local churches

  • United Methodist Women’s circles and Men’s Group

  • A Circle of Friends Group for our young-at-heart senior citizens

  • Spares and Pairs Fellowship Group

  • Mission and Outreach Ministries of compassion and service such as ongoing support for the CUMAC Regional Food Pantry in Paterson

  • Recovery groups including A.A., N.A., and S.A. that meet weekly at the church

  • Weight Watchers meetings

  • Church Dinners, movie nights, concerts, and fellowship opportunities

  • LFUMC Memorial Garden


Our Vision

The vision of the Little Falls United Methodist Church is aligned with that of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 where Christ called all of His followers to: “Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” As a family of believers at LFUMC, we follow that vision—so that we might faithfully do our part to transform the world in Jesus’ name.  We do so “as a welcoming community of disciples, striving to grow in faith and understanding.  We worship God, experience God’s love, share God’s love, and serve God’s world together.”


Our vision also continues the journey of “faith-in-action” that John Wesley, founder of the worldwide Methodist movement, started over 250 years ago.  He gave three General Rules to guide our everyday life:


(1)     Do no harm;
(2)     Do good to all;
(3)     And stay in love with God by regularly participating in the faith disciplines of prayer, Bible study, fellowship with other believers, service to humankind, Holy Communion, and sharing of one’s time, talents, witness, and treasures for the ministries of Christ our Lord.


Our Mission

Wesley’s three General Rules serve as a framework for staying true to our mission as given to us by Jesus in the Great Commandment to: “Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind—and to love our neighbor as ourselves” (Luke 10:27; Deuteronomy 6:6).


To achieve this mission, we profess that we do indeed serve the God of love, mercy, healing, transformation, and forgiveness.  We see God best revealed in the life, actions, teachings, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  To this end, we seek to follow Christ’s example in the ways we welcome, care for, interact with, and treat one another through radical hospitality and sacrificial love.

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