Homebound ~ Homeless
We will begin our Prayer Meeting in September in the chapel at 1:30pm on Wednesday. Please keep this prayer meeting in your hearts before our Lord, that we are open to his guidance and faithful to follow through.
(Meeting Dates: September 6, October 4, November 8, December 6)
Have you any questions or suggestions, Ken and I would like to hear from you to share the growth of this ministry with you. Ken: Ken.Griffin89@yahoo.com or Terrie: ter6668f@gmail.com
Presently, we are visiting three members of the congregation. As the ministry expands to include visiting those temporarily at home, requires more volunteers. This ministry only requires about an hour of your time per visit
and can be limited to your availability. We are visiting one person per month on a rotating basis. Should you be called to this ministry to bring a bright spot in someone's day as well as bringing self-fulfillment and rewards to your own life, please contact Pastor Jin, jkim@littlefallsumc.org; Pete, detroit50@aol.com; Terrie, ter6668f@gmail.com. The compassion and kindness you give will be a reflection of the Christ within being brought forth and touching another's life.
In August we began revisiting our homebound members after having stopped due to the pandemic. They enjoyed our visits and were happy that the visits were resumed. We talk, read, work on puzzles, and pray with them. Their families appreciate our bringing the community of church back into their loved one’s lives. A need was expressed to expand the ministry to include visiting members who are temporarily homebound. This may include members who are in the hospital or recovering from surgery or illness that temporarily keeps their activities limited.
Presently, we are visiting three members of the congregation. As the ministry expands to include visiting those temporarily at home, requires more volunteers. This ministry only requires about an hour of your time per visit and can be limited to your availability. Presently, we are visiting one person per month on a rotating basis. Should you be called to this ministry to bring a bright spot in someone's day as well as bringing self-fulfillment and rewards to your own life, please contact Pastor Jin (jkim@littlefallsumc.org ), Pete W (detroit50@aol.com ), or
Terrie (ter6668f@gmail.com ). The compassion and kindness you give will be a reflection of the Christ within being brought forth and touching another's life.
Our commitment for the outreach to fill 60 care packages from September 2022 to August 2023 has been fulfilled. In September Socks for Souls received 23 care packages. In November: NROCC received 24 care packages. In December: NROCC 20 winter care packages for the men's shelter outreach. In June: Hope One Pic Passaic County Outreach received 23 care packages plus socks collected for Socks for Souls. Through this outreach program, we have taught our youth volunteers the rewards of hands-on charitable work, and shared fellowship with another congregation. They reached out to our community in Passaic County sharing encouragement while helping to fill a need. I would like to thank our members for their support of this outreach and send a special thank you to the non-church members who helped to fill the care packages.
For September 2023-August 2024, our commitment is to complete 80 care packages and to share the keep a care package in your car with other churches and organized programs within our community.
TUNA in pouches or cans with pull tops.
Donations can be placed in the box marked Homeless Care Package Outreach Donations in the Narthex.
If you are interested in helping fill the care packages, please contact me:
Cell: 551-238-1089 or Email: ter6668f@gmail.com
Thank you for your continued support for this Outreach Program.
Terrie Velella
Homeless Care Package Outreach
Have a great Summer!